Health Ombud confirms the total number of mental healthcare users qualify for the alternative dispute resolution

The Health Ombud, Professor Malegapuru Makgoba would like to confirm a total number of 140 Mental Health Care Users, verified and qualify for inclusion into the alternative dispute resolution process as per recommendation 17 of the Ombud Report which states that:

The National Minister of Health must lead and facilitate a process jointly with the Premier of the Province to contact all affected individuals and families and enter an Alternative Dispute Resolution process. This recommendation is based on the low trust, anger, frustration, loss of confidence in the current leadership of the Gauteng Department of Health by many stakeholders.

The National Department of Health must respond humanely and in the best interest of affected individuals, families, relatives, and the nation. The process must incorporate and respect the diverse cultures and traditions of those concerned. The response must include an unconditional apology to families and relatives of deceased and live patients who were subjected to this avoidable trauma; and as a result of the emotional and psychological trauma the relatives have endured, psychological counselling and support must be provided immediately. The outcome of such process should determine the way forward such as mechanisms of redress and compensation. A credible prominent South African with an established track record should lead such a process.

The Health Ombud agrees with the total number of 144 mental healthcare users recently provided by the South African Police Service (SAPS) who died during the “Gauteng Marathon Project”; however, the Health Ombud wishes to clarify that out of the total of 144 provided by the SAPS, four mental healthcare users do not qualify for inclusion in the alternative dispute resolution process.

Issued by the Health Ombud

For more information contact: Ricardo Mahlakanya: Mobile. 066 473 8666, and Email.