10 December 2020
The National Minister of Health, Dr. Zwelini Mkhize lodged a complaint with the Health Ombud, Professor Malegapuru Makgoba to investigate the circumstances surrounding the care and death of Mr. Shonisani Lethole at Tembisa Tertiary Hospital. Subsequently, the Health Ombud commenced with the investigations on the 6th of July 2020 in terms of Section 81(A) of the National Health Act, 2003 (Act No.61 of 2003).
The investigation has been completed and a preliminary report has been prepared and shared with all relevant persons including Tembisa Tertiary Hospital. The final report will be released in January 2021 once all the necessary processes have been completed. The Health Ombud and the Investigator are grateful to all witnesses who participated and contributed to the investigation.
For media enquiries, please contact, Ricardo Mahlakanya: Tel. 012 942 7730; Mobile.
079 769 7955; or Email. rmahlakanya@ohsc.org.za; or Medupe Simasiku: Tel: 012 942
7712; Mobile. 066 300 0111; Email. msimasiku@ohsc,org.za.