The OHSC developed inspection tools to assess health establishments. A tool is a questionnaire with related checklists and measures that assess a health establishment by collecting information and calculating scores that reflect the health establishment’s compliance with norms and standards regulations. The assessment tools are directly linked to the domains, standards and criteria. They are also divided into functional areas representing different service delivery and operational areas within different health establishments. Assessment tools are grouped according to the different levels of care. The number and size of the tools are directly linked to the various functional areas of the health establishment.
Assessment tools are designed to:
- Help inspectors to measure compliance objectively.
- Provide a logical and efficient way of conducting inspections.
- Guide inspectors with the most appropriate methodology to use in assessing compliance.
- Provide a guidance statement and/or explanatory notes that ensure consistency in understanding and interpreting the requirements of the measure.
Regulatory Clinic Inspection Tools
No documents available under this category.
Regulatory Community Health Centre Inspection Tools
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Regulatory District Hospital Inspection Tools
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Regulatory Regional Hospital Inspection Tools
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Regulatory Private Acute Health Hospital Inspection Tools
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Regulatory Central Hospital Inspection Tools
Transport Services-Regulatory Central Hospital Inspection tool v1.0
Regulatory Tertiary Hospital Inspection Tool
No documents available under this category.
Guidance Manual
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