General Enquiries
Submit related queries or requests for further information to the OHSC Office.
Alternatively, please contact us directly:
General Enquiries
Tel: 012 942 7700
Email: communication@ohsc.org.za
Physical Address: 79 Steve Biko Road, Prinshof, Pretoria 0084
Media Enquiries
Submit related queries or requests for further information to the OHSC Office.
For Media Enquiries Contact:
Mr Ricardo Mahlakanya
Director – Communication and Stakeholder Relations and Spokesperson
Tel: 012 942 7730
Mobile: 066 473 8666
Email: rmahlakanya@ohsc.org.za
Mr Medupe Simasiku
Deputy Director – Communication and Stakeholder Relations
Tel: 012 942 7712
Mobile: 066 300 0111
Email: msimasiku@ohsc.org.za
Submit A Complaint
Submit the form below to report unresolved complaints about the poor quality of healthcare received from public and private health facilities. You can also log a complaint with one of our Call Centre officials on our Toll-Free Number. Whistleblowers are guaranteed anonymity!
Toll Free Number: 080 911 6472
Fax: 086 560 4157
Email: complaints@ohsc.org.za
Postal Address: Private Bag X21 Arcadia, 0007
Fraud and Ethics Hotline
Fraud and Ethics Hotline
Hotline number: 0800 003 231
Email: ohsc@thehotline.co.za
Mobile Application: Vuvuzela Hotline App
SMS: 30916