One of the OHSC functions is to identify areas and make recommendations for intervention by relevant authorities to ensure compliance with prescribed norms and standards. The information provided through the Annual Returns is key in profiling health establishments including identifying trends and inconsistencies in resource allocation as well as hindrances and enablers for quality improvement. Furthermore, the information is critical in planning for inspections as part of monitoring compliance with the norms and standards regulations.
Annual Returns information is submitted through an online system. New Users can send an email to requesting to be registered on the system and indicate the following information:
- Name of health establishment
- Role of user i.e. (The person to capture the information or facility CEO/Manager)
Note: The system permits only two users for each facility. This means that when new users are registered, the profiles of the previous users in the same role will be deactivated. For example, when we register a new CEO, the account of the person who was previously registered as CEO will be automatically made inactive.