The OHSC executes its quality assurance responsibilities in multiple ways, through:
- Conducting compliance inspections of health establishments to assess their compliance with national norms and standards, as prescribed by the Minister of Health.
- Certifying compliant health establishments and take enforcement action against those that are found to be non-compliant.
- Promoting quality healthcare by ensuring health establishments meet prescribed standards of healthcare.
- Considering, investigating and disposing of complaints relating to non-compliance with prescribed norms and standards in a procedurally fair, economical, and expeditious manner through the Office of the Health Ombud
The OHSC has a critical role to play in assuring that health establishments are certified to provide safe and quality healthcare. A certificate of compliance is a prerequisite for accreditation of health establishments to participate in the National Health Insurance (NHI) Fund.
In fulfilling its critical regulatory role, the OHSC continues to empower the public and private healthcare sectors through various consultation processes to meet the required minimum quality standards of care.
Organisational Structure
The current operational structure of the OHSC was approved by the Board. The organisational structure of the OHSC has therefore been designed according to the design principles of consistency, continuity, accountability, flexibility, and efficiency. The OHSC strives to ensure that it has the right people, with the right skills and competencies available at the right time, at the appropriate level to deliver on its mandate.
The OHSC fulfils its mandate through four specialised programmes each of which is responsible for a defined programme. All programmes work towards the common goal of ensuring safe and quality healthcare for everyone and although they are independent, to some extent, are interdependent. The programmes are as follows:
Programme 1: Administration
Programme 2: Compliance Inspectorate
Programme 3: Complaints Management and Office of the Health Ombud
Programme 4: Health Standards Design, Analysis and Support and
Programme 5: Certification and Enforcement