OHSC Board calls on health establishments to maintain quality and safe health services particularly during the period of combating COVID-19

2 June 2020

South Africa and many countries have taken a wide range of steps to curb the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. In our country, led by the National Coronavirus Command Council (NCCC) following the declaration of a National State of Disaster joined hands with various sector institutions and experts to manage the COVID-19 public health emergency. The Office of Health Standards Compliance (OHSC) is grateful to all health workers and frontline personnel involved in the battle against COVID-19. Health workers have demonstrated dedication and commitment in the delivery of health care services, despite the daily challenges faced and the constant threat of exposure to COVID-19.

The OHSC acknowledges the immense strain put by COVID-19 on the entire health system and its resources, particularly health workers and personnel who have contracted COVID-19 infection and further note with grief the ultimate sacrifice of those health workers and frontline personnel who succumbed to COVID-19 infection.

The OHSC, as the regulator in the health care sector, has a responsibility to protect and promote the health and safety of users of health services in the country. The OHSC wishes to express concern in instances where the provision of services, quality and safety in health establishments is compromised. The quality of health services and the safety of all the users of health services remains paramount even during these trying times.

All health workers are urged to continue to provide the much-needed health care delivery required by South Africans during these challenging times. The OHSC further wishes to emphasise that the protection of health workers and all personnel through adequate availability and provision of personal protective equipment must be a priority. Management teams in all health establishments have a responsibility to ensure the protection of health workers.

As the country enters level three of the lockdown, the South African public is encouraged to always observe the COVID-19 preventive measures in all public spaces to protect themselves and those around them.

The OHSC Board wishes to express support for the response and leadership of the Honourable President Cyril Ramaphosa, the National Coronavirus Command Council (NCCC), the Minister of Health, Dr. Zweli Mkhize, South African Government Departments and all role players during these difficult times.

For more information contact: Ricardo Mahlakanya: Mobile. 066 473 8666, and Email. rmahlakanya@ohsc.org.za.