OHSC response to the article by the Business Day

6 June 2018

The Office of Health Standards Compliance (OHSC) wishes to distance itself from the misleading heading that appeared in the Business Day on the 6th of June 2018, related to the report delivered by the OHSC in Parliament on the 5th of June with the heading, public healthcare in shambles.

The OHSC presented a report that showed some improvement in certain areas; stagnation and decline in other areas. The report cannot be characterised as an indication that the healthcare system is “in shambles”.

The OHSC has further noted that the 80% scoring is regarded as a pass mark for heath establishments; and the Office will engage with the media to explain the scoring system used in the report.

Issued by the Office of Health Standards Compliance

For more information contact: Ricardo Mahlakanya: Mobile. 066 473 8666, and Email. rmahlakanya@ohsc.org.za