The OHSC Board express its concerns about the current outbreak of cholera disease in South Africa

The Office of Health Standards Compliance (OHSC) Board is deeply concerned about the current outbreak of cholera disease in South Africa, particularly in the provinces of Gauteng, Free State, North West and Mpumalanga. The OHSC noted with great sadness that the disease claimed the lives of patients at some of the health establishments.

We are urging the National and Provincial health departments to put measures in place across all healthcare establishments in order to contain the outbreak and further spread of the disease. Whilst the OHSC acknowledges the enormous strain put by the outbreak of cholera on the health system, and its resources, it is expected that the provision of quality health remains of the highest standard.

As a regulator of health services, the OHSC has a responsibility to promote and protect the health and safety of users of health services by ensuring that health establishments meet the expected health standards of care.

The OHSC will continue to monitor the situation in ensuring that the quality and safety of users of health services are not compromised in health establishments. The entity wishes to send its deepest condolences to all families who have lost their loved ones due to the disease.

Issued by the Office of Health Standards Compliance

For more information contact:

Ricardo Mahlakanya
Senior Manager: Communication Services and Spokesperson
066 473 8666